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100 best joker quotes , Attitude, powerful and Funny Joker quotes

100 best Joker quotes 2020, Attitude, powerful and Funny Joker quotes 
Best Joker quotes
Attitude joker quotes
Funny joker quotes
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Joker images
Heath Ledger The joker quotes
Serious life lessons by the joker
Unique joker quotes 
Most powerful motivational quotes by the joker
Boost your mind joker quotes 
Villain quotes
Bad Ass quotes 


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Joker quotes

Never let someone waste your time TWICE.

 Best Joker quotes
The most common cause of stress nowadays is dealing with idiots.

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Powerful Joker quotes
You can't take credit for Talent., you can only take credit for using it.

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                         Joker quotes
At some point you just have to stop telling people what's going on in your life.

                          Joker quotes
If someone treats you like a joke, leave them like it's funny.

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                    Funny Joker quotes

Getting no message is also a message.

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 Joker quotes
No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.

                          Joker quotes

Dear haters, I have so much for you to be mad at. Just be patient.

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 Joker quotes
You're not depressed.
You just got no Money.

 Joker quotes
You are your own best friend. Listen to yourself more often than someone else.

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 Joker quotes
Take a moment and sit with yourself.
You may find what you're looking for.

 Joker quotes
Stay away from those who tells other peoples Secrets.

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 Motivational Joker quotes
Never let a win get to your Head or a loss get to your Heart.

 Joker quotes images
If someone waste 10 minutes of your time. 8 minutes is your fault.

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 Joker quotes on friendship

The most dangerous animal in this planet is a fake friend.

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 Joker quotes motivational 
When the past comes knocking, don't answer. It has nothing new to tell you.

Attitude Joker quotes

Don't ask anyone,
But me about me.

 Humour Joker quotes
Eat some makup.
Maybe you look better from inside.

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 Best Joker quotes
If you're going to speak bad things about me on my back, come to me I'll tell you more.

Joker quotes on life
Smile can be pretended but tears don't lie.

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 Powerful joker quotes 
If nobody hates you, you are doing something wrong.

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 Joker quotes
Suffering is OPTIONAL.

 Joker quotes

Stop texting them if they ignore you.
Even your self-respect has some self-respect.

 Joker quotes
If they play with your feelings.
Gift them a toy.

 Joker quotes
Never forget three types of people in your life.
1. Who helped you in difficult time.
2. Who left you in difficult time.
3. Who put you in difficult time.

 Joker quotes

Some stories written by PEN.
Some stories written by PAIN.

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 Joker quotes
Words are like keys.
If you choose them right they can open any heart and shut any mouth.

 Joker quotes on haters
I need new haters. The old ones become my fans.

 Joker quotes on love
Love me or hate me but don't play with me.

Joker quotes
Take a moment to walk in my shoes, I bet you'll fall in the first step.

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 Joker quotes

You're tired?
Your goals doesn't care and your competition is happy.

 Joker quotes
Everybody changed.
Now it's my turn.

 Joker quotes
Facebook friends 1020
Real Friends 20
Hard time Friends 2

 Joker quotes
We cannot change the card we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

 Joker quotes
If you look at the people in your circle and don't get inspired, you don't have a circle you have a cage.

Joker quotes

Do not correct a fool or he will hate you, correct a wise and he will appreciate you.

                          Joker quotes
Don't blame a clown for acting like a clown, ask yourself why you keep going to the circus.

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 Joker quotes
Good is enemy of Great.

 Joker quotes
Don't show me your attitude, my blacklist is bigger than your friendlist.

 Joker quotes
Sometimes you have to play the role of a fool to fool the fool who think they're fooling you.

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 Joker quotes

Remember, the one who said you couldn't do it.

 Joker quotes
Loud is strong and quiet is weak.

 Joker quotes
A fish with his mouth closed never gets caught.

 Joker quotes

My back is not voicemail. Say it to my face.

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 Joker quotes
They asked me what is loyalty?
I replied, we are humans ask a dog it knows better.

 Joker quotes
'Oh honey' where do you think I came from.

 Joker quotes

They laugh at me because I'm Different. 
I laugh at them because they're all the same. 

 Joker quotes

Never judge me by my past I don't live there anymore. 

 Joker quotes

People with high ego and unnecessary attitude deserve the standing ovation of the middle finger. 

 Joker quotes

An Idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan. 

 Joker quotes

Be careful what you tell people, a friend today could be an enemy tomorrow. 

 Joker quotes

There are two kinds of people in the world, and I don't like them.

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 Joker quotes

People will hurt you and then act like you hurt them. 

 Joker quotes

Never beg to be....

 Joker quotes

People don't remember good. They remember...DIFFERENT. 

 Joker quotes

If someone helps you and they're struggling too, that's not help that's love. 

 Joker quotes

Nothing changes
Nothing changes

 Joker quotes

If you kill a killer.. 
The number of killer in the world remains the same.

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 Joker quotes

People get really mad when you2don't let them use you. 

Joker quotes

Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence.

 Joker quotes

I'm multitasking... 
I can Listen, Ignore, and Forget at the same time. 

 Joker quotes

The selfies you delete are the real you. 

 Joker quotes

Children want Attention.. 
Adults want Respect...
Legends Don't Care..!!

 Joker quotes

Rome was not built in a day, but they were laying Bricks Every Hour. 

 Joker quotes

No reply is also a Reply.

 Joker quotes
Don't Underestimate me. 
I know more than I say, I think more than I speak, and I notice more than you realize. 

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 Joker quotes

Good judgement comes from experience. 
And experience? 
Well, that comes from poor judgement. 

 Joker quotes

You can do 99 things for someone. 
And all they remember is the one that you didn't do.

 Joker quotes

If everybody likes you. 
You have a serious problem. 

 Joker quotes

Be a good person but don't waste time to prove it. 

 Joker quotes

Women fall in love by what they Hear.Men fall in love by what they See. That's why women wear makup and men lie. 

 Joker quotes

Rumours are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots.

 Joker quotes

Pretending not to care is the habit of someone who generally cares the most.

 Joker quotes

Don't study me. 
You won't graduate.

 Joker quotes

Your biggest fan is a stranger. 
Your biggest hater is someone you know. 

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 Joker quotes

There are two reasons why we don't trust people. 
First- We don't know them 
Second- We know them

 Joker quotes

They say Good things take Time to happen that's why am always Late.

 Joker quotes

If you are good at something never do it for free.

 Joker quotes

LISTEN to understand 
Not just to reply.

 Joker quotes

Do you know who's gonna give you eveything? 

 Joker quotes

Never tell anyone your plans, show them your result instead. 

 Joker quotes

Your attitude is like price tag, it shows how valuable you are. 

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 Joker quotes

If you begin to smile when you receive a text. Delete that Number. 

 Joker quotes

Being alone has a power very few can handle. 

 Joker quotes

When the chances are one in a million. 
Be that One.

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 Joker quotes

Monsters don't sleep under your Bed, 
They sleep inside your Head. 

 Joker quotes

Know your worth and stop giving people discount. 

 Joker quotes

Boys want attention 
Men wants Respect
Legends just2Don't Care

Joker quotes

Be careful what you Tolerate. 
You are teaching people how to treat you.

Best Joker quotes

Sometimes I just agree with people so they can stop talking. 

 Joker quotes

Job Offers be Like :-

"We need a Virgin with 2 years experience in Sex"

                                Joker quotes
People with good heart are always unlucky in Relationship. 

 Joker quotes

The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept. 

 Joker quotes

I don't think before I speak. I like to be just as surprised as everyone else about what comes out of my mouth. 

Motivational  Joker quotes


Funny Joker quotes

Marriage is a relationship in which 'One' is always right and the other is the husband. 

 Joker quotes

You cannot talk butterfly language with catterpillar people.

 Joker quotes

If everybody likes you. 
You have a SERIOUS problem.

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Joker quotes

We are not Same... 

You want piece of the Pie, 
I want the Recipe. 

 Joker quotes

You'll miss her if you fail to replace her.

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