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9 Things to avoid if you want to become Rich

9 Things to avoid if you want to become Rich 

A lot of people struggle financially and they think to themselves, 

oh! You know what I can not become rich because I don't have enough money 

or I don't have enough capital, I don't have the right idea,or I'm not in the right industry, or I don't have the right connections.

You know what- that's not what holds most people back, 

what holds most people back is this one thing and that is EGO.That's right ego. 

Now, you maybe thinking , no! I don't have any ego problem ,what are you talking about ,I'm just struggling financially, I don't have money, no that's not true .

You see ego comes in many forms .

I am sharing with you 9 of them.Comment below if you know any more and if you think you don't have any that's exactly the problem. 

1:- THE  BLAME  EGO - 

 The blame ego says - it's not my fault,it's the governments fault ,it's the economy ,it's the industry ,it's my coworkers ,it's my parents, oh! You know what I come from a disfunctional family and that's why I never become rich or because my supervisor ,my manager ,he is holding me back.

Responsibility quotes

    See the blame ego always says someone else's fault.

They are always pointing fingers.

Remember when you point one finger toward others,three fingers point towards you.

Do you have this ego?do you blame other people ? do you make excuses? Then maybe the one that is holding you back .


What holds a lot of people back is "fear".

Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of making mistakes.

Think about it, before you do something you're saying to yourself, what if it doesn't work, what if I loose money, what if I make a mistake then what happens, what if I don't know what to do, what if I can't figure this out,the what if...what if...what if...   

the sixth sense

You see always remember, fear is an acronym for -

F- False

E- Evidence 

A- Appearing 

R- Real

   Fear is nothing more than a made-up story in your own mind 

So do you have this "fearful ego" holding you back? 


They say I am comfortable, I am happy with where I am, things are fine, I don't need to be ambitious.

Well that's the problem, your income  zone is your comfort zone.Your comfort zone is your income zone.

When you get comfortable you are not growing,remember when you are not growing you are dying.


So do you have this ego that is holding you back right now ? And what are you going to do about it? 

4:- THE  KNOW   IT  ALL  EGO -

The know it all ego says that, people always think they know everything and keep this saying again and again to themselves and expecting different results



You see either you can make money or you can make excuses,you cannot do both.

 An excuse is nothing more than a well planned LIE. 

You see the "excuse ego" says, well I can't afford it, I don't have enough money or that's too far, or that's too difficult, I don't have enough experience. Always I can't...I can't....or I don't know how? 


You see you could have million excuses why you can't do something but you only need one good reason why you can do it.


The "people pleasing ego" says, well; I just want to make sure everybody is happy, everybody is okay, I don't want to rock the boat, if everybody is happy then I am happy. 


You try to please people too much.You try to put other people first, nothing wrong with that. 

But sometimes in life you have to put yourself first. 

Even when you're flying on an aeroplane,you got to put on your own oxygen mask first before you help someone else.

Sometimes in life you have to put yourself first, you have to be little bit selfish so you could be generous.


You justify why you can't do something, you justify why you can't do it.

 I'm too young, I'm too old, I am an immigrant, I speak with an accent, I don't have enough experience, or you know what it's too late, I am married ,I have a wife, I have kids, and you know what I never want it in anyway. 

That's a "lie" you justify your failures, don't use your kids as an excuse, you must have feel that's my motivation why you must do something and why you can't do something. Stop justifying



Be honest, do you worry a lot what other people think of you? Do you worry how people perceive you?

 You know you want to do something, but think what people think of that or what people think of my action. 

Even deep down you know that's the right thing to do but you don't do it because you have "other peoples opinion ego". 

You let other people's opinion stop you from doing what you know is the right thing. 

Those people they could be your family, they could be your relatives, friends, highschool buddies, that doesn't matter.

Stop worrying about other people's opinion. 


9:- THE  FAKE  EGO -

Have you ever met someone that you don't know them but, the moment you meet with them they have this weird kind of vibes that you don't trust him/her, or they feel very fake and you think oh! my God, they are very fake that you don't make any connection.

Or, have you ever met someone, the minute you meet with them make that instant connection and then there is that trust, there is that bond that you feel this person is very sincere .

May be that's you; maybe you are very good at putting this mask. You are so good that in one circumstances you can be this person and in other scenario you become different person and somewhere else you become a different person.And before you know you have done it for so many years,you don't know who you are, you don't know who is the real you, you have lost yourself

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

I will rather people hate me for what I am than love me for who I am not.

 So don't use the fake ego, you don't need it to be successful.

So what do you think? what is holding you to become Rich?  In which category you fall? Comment below. 


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