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8 Simple Ways to Stick to Your Diet Plan and Lose Weight

 8 Simple Ways to Stick to Your Diet Plan and Lose Weigh

Weight loss

Dieting is hard to do, but sticking to it and keeping it up can be even harder. Making small changes to your diet plan can help you lose weight and keep that weight off permanently without feeling like you’re starving yourself. Try these eight simple ways to stick to your diet plan and lose weight more easily than ever before!

1) Don’t be too hard on yourself

Easy weight loss tips

Habits are hard to break, but with a little discipline you can change yours for good. It might feel as though you’re taking a big step backwards when you’re starting out, but if you have that true discipline, then try creating new habits that replace your old ones one by one. This will be much easier than trying to overhaul them all at once. For example, if you don’t have time for daily workouts, then instead of doing nothing at all exercise three times per week instead of seven. One step at a time is always better than doing nothing!

2) Start slowly

Weight loss diet plan

If you’re planning on making some big changes to your diet or fitness routine, you may want to hold off on making those changes right away. Changing too much at once can lead to frustration, which leads back into old habits. Start by making small changes in what you eat or how often you exercise and see how they fit into your lifestyle before ramping up. If a new workout isn’t something you can easily make part of your day, it’s better not start at all! In addition, make sure that any diet plan doesn’t require expensive ingredients; if it does, consider an alternative plan that doesn’t require these items. Remember, small changes in lifestyle can help prevent giving up completely on your goals for losing weight.

3) Remember why you want to lose weight

Weight loss tips

Getting discouraged by your weight-loss progress? It’s easy to lose sight of why you're losing weight in the first place. It’s not always about fitting into a smaller pair of jeans. Think bigger picture: better overall health, energy, confidence, stronger heart (you know—the perks). Keep that goal in mind—and hit your daily gym or yoga class because you know it's good for you.

4) Keep track of your progress

Weight loss easy

Recording your progress is an easy way to know if you’re on track for weight loss. Simply weigh yourself, take your measurements, and make a note of how many pounds you want to lose per week. At each week’s end, calculate how close you are based on your starting point, what day of the week it is now, and how much progress you’ve made—or haven’t made—since last Monday. If there aren’t any changes or improvements on paper, maybe it’s time for some adjustments in your diet plan or exercise routine (see Change Things Up...Permanently! below).

5) Reward yourself for sticking with it

Weight loose

There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself. If you eat a healthy meal every day, that alone is reason enough to give yourself a reward. If you meet your goals for three weeks in a row, make sure you take time out for something special. There’s no rule against buying yourself flowers or planning a weekend getaway with friends as long as you maintain your weight loss over time. The key thing is that it’s not about deprivation; it’s about treating yourself when you do something good. Be realistic about what motivates you and use that information to help guide your strategy for success!

6) Drink water with lemon

How to loose weight

A glass of water with a squeeze of lemon before each meal is an easy way to kick-start your fat-control efforts. Lemon is not only a natural appetite suppressant, but it’s also rich in Vitamin C and aids digestion. Not just that, but by drinking water with lemon before eating you are making sure that you are well hydrated; getting enough fluids in your diet is critical for proper weight loss as it helps flush out toxins in your system. Oh yeah, did we mention that drinking hot water with lemon will help keep you warm and full between meals? Perfect for helping you stay on track if you’re trying to lose weight! And speaking of losing weight...

7) Journal about your progress every day

Loose weight

Logging your daily activities is a great way to stay honest with yourself about what you’re eating, how much you’re exercising, and whether or not you’re reaching your fitness goals. Keep a food journal in addition to tracking your weight so that you can see for yourself exactly how many calories each of your meals contains. Studies show that people who journal about their diet are more likely to reach their goals than those who don’t. Remember, small changes really do add up over time, so try using one of these tools if you have trouble maintaining your motivation. You might be surprised by how quickly they help!

8) Get rid of sugar in your house.

Loose weight

Sugar is a sneaky substance that’s mostly devoid of nutrition. Because it contains no fiber, sugar digests very quickly and doesn’t keep you full for long. This can be a major problem when trying to lose weight, since you may find yourself constantly snacking—often on foods that are high in sugar or fat. If getting rid of sugary foods isn’t an option for you, try keeping them out of your home. For example, if you have ice cream in your freezer at home but nothing similar at work, you’re more likely to eat less of it (or none at all).


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